Tripawd Talk Radio #125: What is UC II and how can it help Tripawds who are so prone to devloping osteoarthritis? Find out from Jope Founder Dr Christine.
Wondering which joint supplement is best for three legged dogs? Don’t miss this episode! Learn all about osteoarthritis in dogs. Especially, how it is so common among Tripawds, and only gets worse over time. And, discover which supplement has the most studies and proven science about how it helps prevent OA from getting worse and manage related joint pain.
Tripawds are more prone to developing OA. And once diagnosed, it doesn’t get better. But you can help prevent it from getting worse. Hear how UC-II helps, and how Jope is working for Tripawds spokesdog Nellie.
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About our Guest: Dr. Christine is a veterinarian and co-founder of Jope, manufacturer of a joint supplement for dogs containing UC-II, curcumin, Omega 3, and other helpful ingredients.
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