Dogs are intuitive creatures who can sense their pawrent’s emotions long before they fess up to them. We believe that the energy a pawrent projects when a dog loses a leg will affect the recuperation. Since we all want a speedy recovery, why not learn how to put your fears aside and project pawsitive energy instead? We know it’s not easy, so here’s a podcast that might help.
In the show, Conversations with Dog, you’ll learn from animal behavior expert Suzy Godsey, who uses a method called Access Consciousness to tap into behavioral challenges between dogs and their humans.
Tune into “Energetic Conversations with Your Dog” and hear Suzy address issues like:
“What are you projecting at your dog with your energy and your body language? How is your dog around you? Are you getting the result you are looking for? Can you change the energy you are projecting? Find out just how amazing this energetic communication is and can improve! Call in if you are having trouble with your dog’s behavior!”
Try it, and let us know how it works for you.