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Learn Raw Feeding Basics for Optimum Canine Nutrition

Raw feeding for dogs is one of the most controversial topics among veterinarians and their clients. While most vets will say that feeding a dog a raw diet isn’t safe, equal amounts of pet parents will share a long list of raw food benefits their dog has enjoyed, like:

  • fresh breath
  • healthy skin and coat
  • fewer allergic breakouts

Do you feed raw? If so, how does it work for you and your pack?

NOTE: “Going Rawr!” is no longer available.
Find more raw feeding tips in the Tripawds Nutrition Blog.
See recommended raw feeding books here!

If you are considering a raw diet for your pup, always discuss this major diet switch with your veterinarian,  especially if your dog is fighting cancer.

Before meeting with your vet, it’s a good idea to read books like “Going Rawr!” so you have the facts you need to discuss raw feeding.

This downloadable e-book or MP3 reviews a number of raw feeding guidelines such as:

  • Step by step instructions on easing into to a raw food diet – regardless of your dog’s current health, age or stage in life.
  • How to make raw feeding easier and faster
  • The 26 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients all dogs need for optimum health.
  • Foods your dog should avoid, such as allergenic and potentially fatal foods.
  • How to know if your dog is suffering from a nutrient deficiency or a nutrient toxicity
  • Measuring the types and amounts of food your dog needs

For dogs fighting cancer, Going Rawr! also includes special raw diets for canines with compromised health.

Download Going Rawr! in one of two ways:

As a $27 PDF e-book

  • Going Rawr! Dog Lovers Compendium (PDF)
  • Holistic Dog Treats (PDF)


As a $37 e-book package with the MP3 edition! It includes:

  • Going Rawr! Dog Lover’s Compendium (PDF)
  • Holistic Dog Treats (PDF)
  • MP3 version of Going Rawr! Dog Lover’s Compendium (MP3)
  • MP3 version of Holistic Dog Treats (MP3)

Going Rawr! comes with bonus reading material and recipes, as well as an unconditional money back guarantee. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, your purchase price will be refunded.

If you try Going Rawr!, share your thoughts in the comments field below, we’d love to hear your feedback.

NOTE: “Going Rawr!” is no longer available.
Find more raw feeding tips in the Tripawds Nutrition Blog.
See recommended raw feeding books here!

Learn more about the benefits of the raw dog food diet, by visiting the Delicious Dog Diet YouTube channel, where you’ll find helpful videos like this:



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