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Fun DIY Games to Keep Your Tripawd Injury Free

Want some great examples of how you can keep your Tripawd strong, fit and injury-free without buying any special equipment? Tripawd Nesta can show you how, and Tripawds Gear Blog is full of ideas, but here are more cool tips for you.

The following videos were created by certified canine rehabilitation therapists Care Animal Clinic in Brookfield, Wisconsin. We hand picked them because although there is a quadpawd in the demos, the exercises appear safe and within the capabilities of most three-legged dogs.

Get more helpful tips in Loving Life on Three Legs!

How to Improve Proprioception

Proprioception is the awareness of one’s body in space. This means that your Tripawd knows exactly where his foot will land every time he hits the ground running. Proprioception is important for animals and humans because it helps us stay balanced in all sorts of terrain.

Tight Circles

This exercise demonstrates tight circles walked clockwise and counter-clockwise. It helps with strength, balance, and symmetry of the rear legs.


Conquer obstacles with a homemade cavaletti course. By asking your dog to walk through all sorts of gentle obstacles, like a ladder, you are helping her develop proprioception.

How to Gain Flexibility

Nose to Hip

Stretch your dog’s core abdominal muscles with a low-calorie treat. What could be easier?

High Five

A flexible Tripawd is at less of a risk of muscle strain. This High Five exercise is easily done and helps keep your Tripawd’s joints flexible.

Shake a Paw & Wave

A simple game like this can keep front legs flexible. For front-leg Tripawds, it’s especially important since the “Tripawd Hop” prevents dogs from reaching full limb-extension when walking. This exercise is a fun way to stretch tight front leg muscles.

How to Strengthen

Down to Stand Exercise

This exercise  strengthens legs and aids with balance. Perform this gently with front leg Tripawds.

Three paws up to the good people at Care Animal Clinic in Brookfield, Wisconsin for creating these videos. We hope they help make your Tripawd’s life fun and injury-free!

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 Do you have links to favorite strengthening and flexibility exercises? Share them with us below!

As always, use caution when performing any exercises with your Tripawd. This information is not a substitute for professional help. We are not veterinarians, and recommend consulting with a certified canine rehabilitation therapist before beginning a home program.

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