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Organize a Tripawds Pawty with a Downloadable DIY Flyer Template

Tripawds parties happen all across North America, but they only happen when one pawrent takes the first step to organize one. If you’d like to gather three legged Tripawds in your community you’ll find plenty of ways to outreach to others and create an official Tripawds chapter where you live, including this free Tripawds Pawty Flyer Word Document Template.

Download a Flyer Template

Our friends at Tripawds of Alberta are having regular gatherings. Alberta Tripawds member Teena Hopper of  Tails a Waggin’ recently created this lovely logo for their Tripawds chapter!*

Teena has generously updated our Tripawds Pawty flyer template, which you can download here:

Download a Do-It-Yourself Tripawds Pawty Flyer

This fun flyer was originally created by gerrysmom when she wanted to organize a three legged meet-up in her hometown of Madison, Wisconsin.

Once you download your flyer, save it to your hard drive and add your information. Then you can:

  • Post fliers at local feed stores and dog-friendly watering holes
  • Create a Craig’s List posting
  • Write a press release and call local TV and newspaper reporters

Finally, be sure to announce your three legged gathering with a new topic in the Tripawd Parties discussion forum as well as on our Facebook page. You never know who your nearest Tripawd neighbor will be!

Create Your Own Tripawds flyers

Do you want your Tripawd to be the star of your own flyer about three-legged dogs? If so, create your own Tripawds flyer.

*Please note: Because the word “Tripawds” and “It’s better to hop on three than limp on four” are registered trademarks, we want to ensure a consistent use of them, so please email your flyer design to us before distributing.

You may utilize these high-resolution logos in your poster, press release and other announcements:

Tripawds Logo in Black and White

Tripawds Logo in Color

Thanks for Spreading the Word!

We encourage you to have fun doing outreach in your city. If you are interested in attending an event as a Tripawds representative, please contact us today so that we can exchange ideas about how you can help get the word out to as many folks as pawsible at each event!

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