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Healthy Pet Diet eBook Offers 245 Homemade Dog Food Recipes

With people across the nation gathered around their tables today feasting on home cooked meals, we though we would share this eBook we found filled with healthy homemade dog food recipes…

Healthy Pet Diet eBook Author John MillerJohn Miller, a professional dog-fancier, reveals his secret dog food recipes – and why he refused to sell them to Multinational Companies – in Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes.

John has shared copies of his recipes with major veterinary schools, but refused to sell his recipes to major pet food corporations that offered him $500,000 for his silence. Now he wants everyone to have healthy dogs, and makes his recipes available for immediate download for a limited time offer of just $29.95.

Fifty years ago John wanted to improve his own dogs growth. After analysing commercial dog food formulas, he found they were all loaded with unhealthy chemicals. So, he developed a better recipe himself and tried it on his own dogs, using healthier ingredients. He couldn’t believe how fast his dogs health and behavior improved. He also reduced his dog food costs by fifty percent!

Happy with his discovery he tried, over the years, hundreds of new recipes in order to see their effects on dog health and growth. From these experiences, he created dozens of amazing recipes that make dogs grow healthier and stronger. Now, after years of new improvements, he reveals – for your own use – the best recipes to transform your dog into the healthiest dog of your dreams.

Download Healthy Food For Dogs: Homemade Recipes Now!

Discover in one day the famous recipes that took John 50 years to develop. You will find all John’s recipes in this downloadable multimedia ebook titled: Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes.

Here are just a few helpful tips you will discover in the ebook:

  • Healthy dog food recipes for young and old dogs
  • Natural recipe to keep fleas away
  • Gourmet Biscuit recipes
  • Dozens of recipes for delicious, economical, healthful dog food
  • Healthy treats your dog will love
  • And much more!

But don’t take our word for it …

“At first I was hesitant, because the big guy is picky, but he loved almost all of the recipes in there (turns out he hates liver too,) and it helps that they are pretty fun to make.

Makes a terrific gift, too. I wish someone had given me one! !”

— Joan Ray, NY

“It’s very impressive. This is an invaluable reference for the dog owner. I would highly recommend this ebook to all who are interested in improving their dog life.”

— Bob Johnson, LA

With Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes you will also discover which of the products you already have in your kitchen and bathroom that work to:

  • Make your own dog shampoospecial-offer
  • Eliminate bad dog breath
  • Make dog-safe Insecticides and Fertilizers
  • Successfully remove skunk odor from dogs

Normally $49.95, John Miller’s healthy dog food recipe eBook is available for $29.95 during his limited 1st anniversary sale. The best part is, you can have all John’s recipes in just minutes because the Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes ebook is available for immediate download! Better yet, you take no risk. If after trying John’s recipes you are not completely satisfied, just email him your invoice and he will refund your purchase price.

2 thoughts on “Healthy Pet Diet eBook Offers 245 Homemade Dog Food Recipes”

  1. In my opinion John Miller’s eBook is a rip off. Most of the recipes are for doggie treats. A lot of these recipes call for flour and cornmeal. I haven’t read every one of them, but there’s one that includes a hot dog. Is this highly processed meat really good for dogs? I wasted my money on this one!


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