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Learn great tips to help your three-legged dog or cat stay strong, live long and be healthy with Tripawd Talk Radio Podcasts. Download these two free 30 minute podcasts and learn how to care for your animal amputee in just 60 minutes! Here are two podcasts from April and May 2014:

Tripawd Talk Radio, April 2014:
Easy, Nutritious Homemade Food and Treats for Dogs

Think that home cooking for dogs is too complicated? It’s not! Learn how to feed your Tripawd dog easy,  healthy, home cooking foods with canine culinary expert Rick Woodford, aka “The Dog Food Dude” and author of Feed Your Best Friend Better: Easy, Nutritious Meals and Treats for Dogs.

Rick is dog dad to a cancer hero named Jackson and owner of a home-cooking dog food delivery service. In this episode you’ll learn how we can feed our dogs—and ourselves—natural and nourishing foods, in little time and on a budget while keep everyone in the family happier and healthier for a long time.

Download the Dog Food Dude Podcast Here

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Tripawd Talk Radio: May 2014:
How To Help Your Vet Make Best Pet Healthcare Decisions

Don’t let fear paralyze you when facing tough veterinary care decisions for your dogs and cats. Learn how to gain confidence when faced with tough situations.

Dr. Cyndie Courtney, DVM

In this interview with Dr. Cyndie Courtney, DVM, you’ll learn how to use your mind and heart to make good veterinary treatment decisions for our animals when we are faced with difficult, stressful situations such as accident recovery, cancer care, end of life hospice and more.

Don’t miss Dr. Courtney’s Tripawds News Blog guest post, “How to Make Good Medical Decisions for Your Pets.”

Dr. Cyndie Courtney and Riley

Dr. Courtney is a practicing veterinarian in the Washington, DC area and founder of the veterinary blog Vet Changes World. She works every day to make a difference in the lives of pets and the people who love them. She is especially interested in how veterinarians and pet owners can work together to make pet healthcare decisions.

Download “How to Make Good Medical Decisions for Your Pets” Here

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