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Prosthetic, Braces, Rehab and Fitness for Tripawd Cats and Dogs, Part 3

Have you been watching our fitness tips for Tripawds series with Dr.Kennedy and Tripawd Domino?

Learn Rehab and Fitness Tips for Tripawd Cats and Dogs, Part 1
More Rehab and Fitness Tips for Tripawd Cats and Dogs, Part 2

Prosthetic, Braces, Rehab and Fitness for Tripawd Cats and Dogs, Part 3

When a dog or cat becomes a Tripawd, two of the most common questions future Tripawd pawrents ask are:

  • “Does my pet need a prosthetic limb?”
  • “Will a brace help my Tripawd?”

In the following interview with veterinary rehab specialist Dr. Dicki L. Kennedy of ARCC: Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center in Greenville, South Carolina, she discusses the pros and cons of canine prosthetics, orthotic braces for tripawds and amputee dogs.


Every Tripawd whether they have a brace or prosthetic limb or not needs to stay strong, fit and flexible. To find out how, watch Dr. Kennedy show Tripawd Mom Cassie and her three legged dog Domino perform flexion, Extension and massage techniques to help Tripawds maintain flexibility, balance and orthopedic health.


Stay tuned for our final interview with Dr. Kennedy, where she will demonstrate more fitness exercises for Tripawds!

Learn Rehab and Fitness Tips for Tripawd Cats and Dogs, Part 1
More Rehab and Fitness Tips for Tripawd Cats and Dogs, Part 2

Recommended Reading

Learn more about prosthetic limbs, braces and orthopedic conditions with Tripawds and OrthoPets.

Orthopedic Health Tips for Tripawds with Colorado State and Dr. Mike Petty

Download the new Tripawds e-book, Loving Life on Three Legs: Canine Fitness and Conditioning for Happy, Healthy Tripawds for all the tools you need to help your three-legged hero get fit and stay strong for an injury-free life.

Learn About Tripawd Health, Exercise and Fitness

 Disclaimer: Please remember, we are not veterinarians. This information is not a substitute for medical care by a qualified veterinary professional. Always seek the advice of a licensed rehabilitation therapy veterinarian prior to making any medical decisions or undergoing treatments or therapies, or if you have questions about your Tripawd’s health. Never delay treatment or disregard professional medical advice based on something you saw here on

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