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How to Find Emergency Financial Help for Vet Bills

No animal should suffer or be euthanized because their human can’t afford to pay for veterinary care.

If you are in the heartbreaking situation of having to forgo vet care for your companion animal, rest assured that many resources exist that can possibly help with the costs.

Tripawds member Brownie1201 has just updated the Tripawds Financial Resources Google Docs Spreadsheet with new funding sources around the U.S. A few exist in Canada and a listing for our UK members is also available. If you know of any that aren’t on this list, please let us know so we can add them.

Download the Tripawds Financial Resources
Google Docs Spreadsheet here.

Other Ideas to Help Raise Money

As you know, many people are also experiencing hard times. Please don’t pin all of your hopes on these funding sources because most are overwhelmed with requests.

While you are waiting for an answer, take charge of your situation and raise as much money as you can by:

  • Hold a yard sale. For maximum impact, ask friends and family if they will add their unwanted stuff to the sale!
  • Create a flyer explaining your situation. Ask local pet businesses if you can post it in their location.
  • Be an entrepreneur! If you have kids, set up a good old-fashioned lemonade stand or some other kind of treat-stop. Have flyers ready to tell people why you are trying to make money.
  • Organize an event, like a walk-a-thon or some other kind of fun activity that will bring pet people together for your cause.
  • Sell items on eBay. You didn’t need that collection of bobbleheads anyways, right?
  • Use your social networking skills to spread the word about your pet’s situation. Although Tripawds doesn’t allow direct fundraising, we encourage people to use social networking to get the word out to friends and family.
  • Can you think of other ideas? Share them with us!

Finally, remember to be honest with your vet about what you can and can’t afford. Ask your vet to present all options available. Then ask if they will allow you to make payments. Many vets are willing to work with their clients to help provide affordable services, but you have to ask to know if yours will.

We hope you never need to refer to this document, but if you do, know that great charities exist to help people in these situations. And when you are in a good financial situation, we hope you’ll pay it forward by helping these organizations continue to do their work and donating to them. Thanks!

Tripawds ASAP – Amputation Surgery Assistance Program

Additional Veterinary Services Financial Aid

UPDATE: In addition to the financial assistance resources listed in the document above, members have shared the links below in the Tripawds Discussion Forums.

Veterinary Bill Assistance Programs:



5 thoughts on “How to Find Emergency Financial Help for Vet Bills”

  1. Hello,

    My name is Levita George. I have a cat that is four years old that I have rescued from a small community in Central B.C. Her name is Emzy, She has no back paws from an unknown accident. .
    I have recently taken her to the vet here in Victoria B.C. As she had an ulcer on her inner and outer lip. The doctor wants me to take Emzy back for a check up, and sedate her to see what is wrong/diagnose her, but I can’t afford too. I am a full time student with a minimal income. I am hoping you and your support team can help me and my cat out, or help me find an outfit that does help with vet costs.
    I have so far $100 dollars saved up out of $1,183.50 – $1,983.53 that I have been quoted at her vet visit. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,
    Levita and Emzy.

    • Hi Levita, Thanks for being such a good pet parent to Emzy. Unfortunately we don’t assist with general vet care but many of the organizations listed in the spreadsheet you found here do help with that sort of thing. Please check them out and hopefully you will qualify for some help. Also try contacting your local humane society, they often have programs that can help. We will keep our paws crossed you can get some assistance!

  2. I have a 5 yr old ShihTzu ASPCA rescue. He has a ball growing out of the side of his neck. It began during Covid and no vet or animal clinic or hospital, Will let me take him because it was a nonemergency now 2 1/2 years later it’s grown so exponentially that it’s the size of a handball and somehow it ruptured and I have to change his bandages every day and it smells horrible and the minimum they’re asking me for is $4000 I’m on Social Security disability and I’m make $600 a month I can’t afford $4000 if anyone could help me, I’m devastated by this I can’t put my child down of euthanizing him rips my heart apart please someone help me

    • Alex I’m so very sorry to hear about your dog. Please reach out to the applicable charities on our list, hopefully they can help. Also, turn to your local humane society to see if they can assist in some way with either financial help or pointing you to local resources.


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