Thank you to everyone who answered last fall’s Tripawds Cancer Metastasis Survey. We received 31 thoughtful and informative responses. We hope the following survey snapshot will help anyone looking for insight about what pet cancer metastasis looks like in some dogs and cats.
Tripawds Cancer Metastasis Survey Findings
Remember, this is not a scientifically accurate survey but a general shapshot of the Tripawds community members who shared their cancer metastasis experience. We received 31 responses profiling 29 dogs and 2 cats. The majority were diagnosed with osteosarcoma, with some hemangiosarcoma diagnoses.
Because everyone’s cancer journey is different, it’s tricky to quantify when and how metastasis occurred and some answers take more explanation than filling in a check mark, as you’ll see:
Metastasis Timeframe
Question: How much time elapsed between cancer diagnosis and metastasis?
More than half of the respondents said mets didn’t happen until at least six months had gone by. Their answers were: