Is Your Vet Following Current Pain Management Guidelines?
Learn current pain management for dogs and cats with American Animal Hospital Association 2015 Pain Management Guidelines.
Learn current pain management for dogs and cats with American Animal Hospital Association 2015 Pain Management Guidelines.
Find out the best canine cancer health tips for living longer and stronger by downloading our Tripawd Talk Radio interview with Dr. Harvey Cohen and Wendy Shankin-Cohnen of Dr. Harvey’s Fine Health Foods for Companion Animals.
Last week we told you about Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM, and her popular book “From Needles to Natural.” Today Dr. Morgan will show you how easy it is to create a holistic diet and lifestyle for your dogs. In her home cooking dog food book “What’s For Dinner, Dexter?: Cooking For Your Dog Using Chinese Medicine Theory” and free video series, you’ll learn how to use holistic Chinese Medicine theory to keep your pet healthy using fresh, wholesome food ingredients.
People are recognizing the importance of a balanced diet and avoiding preserved, synthetic, processed and pesticide ridden foods. We check the labels of food we eat and count calories, grams of proteins, carbohydrates and other nutritional facts but completely ignore it when it comes to our pet’s food.
Basically, our pets are just like us. If you spend a lifetime eating garbage, it’s going to eventually catch up with you. It’s easy to spot your own trouble areas but it can be harder to recognize what is unhealthy for your pet. My goal is to help educate all pet owners on how to formulate the healthiest possible diets for their animals. So let’s get started! — Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM
In Dr. Morgan’s helpful free webinar series “Home Cooking for Pets,” she brings “What’s For Dinner, Dexter?” to life with pet food nutrition basics, home cooking videos and health tips. Here’s a few helpful videos to get started. For more free pet home cooking information, visit the “Home Cooking for Pets” area of her website.
Learn more home cooking tips with Dr. Morgan and be sure to stay tuned for her Sunday August 16 appearance on Tripawd Talk Radio!
A dog groomer shows how to keep your Tripawd from falling slippery floors by trimming paw pads and fur between toes.
Take the Tripawd Phantom Limb Pain Survey for post-operative amputee dogs and cats.